Saturday, June 13, 2009

The first step: Reach Out!

Actually, this is my first blog step, . . absolutely no clue about what I'm doing. I think I have a less vague idea about why I am starting to blog, as well as sign up for FaceBook, Twitter and a few other social networking sites. It's in that song, Reach Out!, from 30 or more years ago. I think it went something like "Reach out! Reach out, little ol' man."

Well, that's me. I'm old; older than a box of rocks but I'm still feeling and doing well, daily, in Portland, Oregon, USA. I need to reach out. I'll get this to all my long-time friends and acquaintances, somehow, but I certainly welcome anyone to jump in. Bring up anything you want--just keep it clean, please. (I may moderate posts until I test the water.)

I'm in real estate, mentally and physically, in a big way and time-wise, but a huge part of me wants to be somewhere else. So, I struggle with that all the time, even weekly--I don't have to wait for another birthday to come and go to reflect on where I spend my time.

What's On My Mind

Reaching out at this juncture has to do with having a few things to do and knowing that nothing is going to get done flying solo. I need several co-pilots and a jumbo jet full of contacts, people, supporters, passers-by and even activists. For example, I want to start a "village" for foster children somewhere near Portland, preferrably in a rural setting. That can be difficult in Oregon because of our land-use laws which tend to keep current uses in place for long periods of time--20 and 40-year increments, perhaps. That leaves little room for finding the zoning for setting up, say, a community or grouping of four to six, or more, houses where there is also room for some small-scale farming experience. However, the impossible is possible--it just takes more time and effort.

"Take Out The Papers and The Trash!"

Talk about the impossible, my wife is after me (again) to get rid of some of my junk. Impossible! Why is my "stuff" always junk and her's isn't? I mean, is five turntables--machines that play vinyl phonograph records--too many to have around? What if one breaks? That only leaves me one that still works! Cutting it pretty thin, don't you think? She doesn't bring it up, much, but I'm pretty sure she wants some of the 33 rpm records out of the way, too. One of my daughters may be interested in the rock 'n' roll records, but she has no interest in jazz, classical, swing, etc. And I can't blame her. After all, would I even consider collecting Backstreet Boys or Jewell? Not!

"Well, Hello, Dolly!"

Talk about collections and nightmares, here's a real combo. I have a sister, 75, in Ohio who has hundreds of dolls--maybe several thousand--which she can't sell because of the lack of a market for collectible dolls right now and because of her health. She sold a few things on e-Bay through a daughter but that was very slow and physically grueling. Then around the first of the year she fell down her basement steps and broke her hip. One of her girls went over when she hadn't checked in after, supposedly, having gone to see her doctor. She had been lying at the base of the stairs for eight hours. She's also high-risk diabetic. She had hip repair surgery and was doing surprisingly well when she fell and broke her ankle. She's still doing well, just temporarily down. I'm not certain, but I bet if there is anyone willing to check out a doll collection in Athens, Ohio, she would make you a decent deal. You're gonna need a bigger truck!, to paraphrase from "Jaws."

That's it, for now:

There are other struggles and tasks we can talk about later. I'll try this blogging business for a few weeks or months to see how it goes. I look forward to experimenting with some of the formats--this one is pretty "blah!" And I'm shooting for at least a weekly update but I don't have any special message or compelling need to write about anything in particular. So don't stay glued to your seats. It will take me a few days to learn a decent page layout and so on. Tips are welcomed.

So, whaazup with you?